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44 Best Education Podcasts for Teachers in 2024

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40+ Best Education Podcasts for Teachers in 2024

Podcasts are the perfect ear candy for walking, hanging out in your classroom while prepping for the day or the next week, or even your drive to and from work. Whether you’re looking for more professional development or just a sympathetic voice from people who “get” your day-to-day life in the trenches, podcasts can be a great fit. In this post, we’ve put together an extensive list of the best education podcasts for teachers around today.

In our list, you’ll find podcasts that are content-specific, some that are great to use with students, and others that are just for you as an educator or administrator. Save this list on Symbaloo or follow the Education Webspace for later reference. Happy listening!

In search of more great education content? Symbaloo has listed the best websites and resources across multiple subjects. See our other posts for the best of Reading & WritingMathematicsScienceCodingSocial StudiesSEL, and Virtual Learning.

Teacher Podcasts

 The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast

The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast

Podcast host Jennifer Gonzalez covers nearly everything that has anything to do with education. She does interviews with educators, administrators, students, and families, but she also does shows independently. This is a tremendous all-around podcast if you’re just entering the education podcast universe! Bonus: her blog is also fantastic, and “it’s not actually a cult.” 

Empowering Educators Podcast

Empowering Educators Podcast

Teaching can sometimes be overwhelming, difficult, and disenchanting. Gretchen Bridgers brings her “A” game each week in her uplifting podcast. She focuses on inspiration and (you guessed it) empowerment, but there are also lots of tips and professional development ideas.

The Creative Classroom with John Spencer

The Creative Classroom with John Spencer

John Spencer began this podcast in February 2021, so the episode list is still growing. John is a former journalist whose second career was as a middle school educator. He currently teaches in higher education and his podcast covers topics like PBL, assessing creativity, classroom jobs, and social-emotional learning.

 Teaching Keating

Teaching Keating

This podcast is so much fun! Wes and Molly are the podcasters, and they use television shows and movies as their springboards for investigating the ins and outs of teaching and education. They don’t restrict their exploration to the movies or shows typically thought of as education-related. They cover classics like The Sound of Music, hits like Jurassic Park, and television shows like SNL. They even talk about Dude Perfect. It’s a great, highly relatable podcast.

The Burned-In Teacher

The Burned-In Teacher

If you’ve ever faced burnout (and whom among us hasn’t?), this may be the podcast for you. Amber Harper explores burnout among educators and shares interviews and information about things like productivity, joy, and basically how to be a human again. She shares personal stories and invites listeners to share their experiences and ask questions. Among some of her favorite guests are teachers who’ve survived burn-out and are now thriving again.

 The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast

The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast

Betsy Potash is the education blogger, curriculum guru, and podcaster for this one. She is the go-to pro for all things ELAR for middle and high schoolers, and she also includes information on tech, teacher morale, and helpful tips. She does indeed spark creativity, but she also offers a lot that’s “ready to use instantly.” You don’t even have to add water!

The Wired Educator Podcast

The Wired Educator Podcast

Kelly Croy’s mission in life is to make the lives of students, teachers, and administrators better. He covers topics like building a website, passive income, and how you can make money on things you’re already creating for your classroom. Other episodes discuss things like how to make homework more meaningful, video games as esports, and working with students of all socioeconomic statuses.

Angela Watson’s Truth for Teachers Podcast

Angela Watson’s Truth for Teachers Podcast

Angela Watson is not afraid to tell things as she sees them. She talks about everything from dealing with the emotional and physical burdens of education to the practical time management and behavioral issues that some teachers and podcasters shy away from. She even talks about the truths of quitting education and finding a new career path. She’s refreshingly honest about family priorities, health, and education

 Crying In My Car: A Podcast for Teachers

Crying In My Car: A Podcast for Teachers

Devin Siebold taught for ten years before launching his comedy career. You may know him from some of his silly antics on YouTube. He and co-host Mike Lee interview other teachers and give some light-hearted commentary on the ins and outs of education. Every podcast is labeled “Tears of…”, and some of the great topics include open house, Halloween, and stress eating. If you need a laugh as you cry in your car (as most of us have), this is the one for you.

 Google Teacher Podcast

Google Teacher Podcast

As you might imagine, this podcast is all things Google for educators and the classroom. There are so many great tools in this series. Co-Hosts Mike Miller and Kasey Bell collaborate to bring practical ideas and advice for using the many tools Google offers. Each host has their own podcast, too: Mike Miller is from “Ditch That Textbook” and Kasey Bell is from “Shake Up Learning”. 

 The Shake Up Learning Show

The Shake Up Learning Show

Do your lesson plans need a makeover? Do you want to get some professional development credit for listening to all these podcasts? The Shake Up Learning Show with Kasey Bell is the podcast for you. She covers all this and a whole lot more. Kasey Bell is a former middle school teacher who loves helping teachers integrate tech into the classroom in meaningful ways.

 The 10 Minute Teacher Podcast

The 10 Minute Teacher Podcast

Award-winning teacher, blogger, and podcast host Vicki Davis says on her website that she has “lots of friends,” and she interviews them all on her podcast! Vicki and her friends put out five new shows each week that range in topics from EdTech coaching to student leadership and distance education. They discuss everything from trauma-informed teaching to practical tips for daily routines.

 Heinemann Podcast

Heinemann Podcast

Heinemann is a publishing company that supplies professional development and educational materials to teachers around the world. It’s a professionally produced podcast with a few rotating hosts, and they interview educators from around the world with expertise in a large range of specialties. It’s a more formal podcast with a polished, expert feel. They tackle more global issues because of their extensive reach.

Teachers Need Teachers

Teachers Need Teachers

Most podcasts for teachers focus on the classroom, and while Kim Lepre approaches and covers those topics as well, many episodes are more practical and applicable outside the classroom. Kim covers resume writing, Donors Choose funding, interviewing, dealing with the specific challenges of being a new SPED teacher, and surviving student loan debt as an educator.

Teacher Wellbeing

Teacher Wellbeing

This podcast aims to facilitate and contribute to the conversation about teacher wellbeing, positive schools and burnout prevention, to inspire and empower educators of all kinds to take back control of their health and happiness by being proactive about their wellbeing, and to give teachers permission to put themselves first, so that they can go on making a difference long into the future.

Beginning Teacher Talk

Beginning Teacher Talk

"Just because you're a beginning elementary teacher, there's no need for you to struggle like one." Welcome to Beginning Teacher Talk, the weekly podcast hosted by Dr. Lori Friesen, where we talk about all of the things you wish you learned in college about teaching elementary school.

The Educator Podcast

The Educator Podcast

The Educator Podcast, hosted by two brothers, brings on teachers to talk about their fields of research and life as an educator. The goal of The Educator Podcast is to give people the ability to learn about fields they may not be familiar with and have a glimpse into the lives of professors that teach these subjects. We hope to foster curiosity and promote a love of learning.

Leading Equity

Leading Equity

This podcast focuses on supporting educators with the tools and resources necessary to ensure equity at their school. On this podcast, listeners can expect to hear interviews and stories from voices of equity in education today.

EdTech Podcasts

Easy EdTech Podcast

Easy EdTech Podcast

Dr. Monica Burns, who also writes the blog “Class Tech Tips,” has episodes on using TikTok, ways to make your brain breaks more meaningful, SEL using tech, and practical tips on everyday classroom tech solutions. A great place to start is her 100th episode, where she shares top tips from the previous 99.

 Educational Duct Tape

Educational Duct Tape

Host Jake Miller has been covering all the edtech tools we’ve come to use since long before the pandemic. He also interviews many other podcast hosts (many of whom are also mentioned in our list) and educators. The episodes cover assessments, learning in all classrooms (including fine arts and other classes that often get excluded), and more pedagogy and edtech than you could imagine.

House of #EdTech

House of #EdTech

This podcast may be similar in content, but it’s unique in that it shares stories, lessons, tips, and tools from educators all over. Christopher J. Nesi has worked with educators of every level. His episodes include collaboration with librarians and other support staff, digital escape rooms, digital citizenship, grant-writing for edtech, classroom management, and syncing digital and physical learning spaces.

#EdChat Radio

#EdChat Radio

Once a week Highlights and amplifications from the Twitter discussion of the week on #EdChat. Hosted By Tom Whitby and Nancy Blair and members of the EdChat team of moderators including MaryBeth Hertz, Kyle Pace, Jerry Blumengarten, Jerry Swiatek, Steven Anderson, Shelly Terrell, and Bernadeth Wall in the UK.

Professional Development Podcasts

EdSurge Podcast

EdSurge Podcast

EdSurge is a well-recognized education icon with far-reaching resources. This podcast features interviews with leaders in education like Sol Khan of Khan Academy, and episodes on whole brain teaching from experts who live it day-to-day. They even have episodes focused on the world of podcasting from the inside out. It’s definitely worth a follow and a listen.

Overthrowing Education

Overthrowing Education

This podcast is so unique! They describe themselves as edgy and entertaining, but they are also serious about “the revolutionary changes that are happening” in education. Episodes include conversations about why education should not be “transaction-based,” how to move students “from renters to buyers,” and dealing with grief. There are also episodes on how to go gradeless and how to use game-based learning.

MindShift Podcast

MindShift Podcast

MindShift is one of the major educational and professional development hubs, and their podcast is an amazing compilation of interviews and information. Episodes range from overparenting and puberty to how to help students who are returning to school after dropping out. There are inspirational stories about schools that changed their strategies and met unprecedented success, and so much more.

The Teacher Career Coach Podcast

The Teacher Career Coach Podcast

Are you feeling overwhelmed? If you’re considering a career change, thinking of a second career after early retirement, or just curious about how to make your current career your happiest of happy places, this podcast is for you. Host Daphne Williams interviews people who have taken the plunge and have found the water just fine.

Administrator Podcasts

 Better Leaders Better Schools Podcast

Better Leaders Better Schools Podcast

Warning: this podcast is only for “ruckus makers in education”! Administrators are in a pivotal position in education reformation. This podcast is a great place to start when it comes to getting ideas about moving forward. Daniel Bauer is the host who shares book reviews, talks about deep and joyful learning, discusses designing and creating inclusive spaces, and a whole lot more. 

Reimagine Schools

Reimagine Schools

Host Greg Goins leads this podcast that focuses on leadership development, innovation, and reformation in public schools. He interviews experts like Ted Fujimoto, who designed one of the most innovative early childhood schools in the world. Goins talks about PBL, PD, and ideas like gradeless classrooms. Administrators will appreciate this excellent podcast.

History Podcasts

 Stuff You Missed In History Class

Stuff You Missed In History Class

Tracy V. Wilson and Holly Frey host this ear-opening podcast filled with interesting facts from history. There are so many fascinating stories to hear. These podcasts are great for older students in history, social studies, and English classes. Be sure to listen to the episode you’re hoping to use before sharing it with students.

 Ridiculous History

Ridiculous History

Have you ever wondered why Americans don’t use bidets? Or who solves murders in Antarctica? Did you know that Vikings once made a killing selling Unicorn dust? Ridiculous History will fill your brain with facts and stories you’d never expect, from all corners of the world. It’s a great listen!

 Our Fake History

Our Fake History

This podcast is like the Snopes of the history world. Hosts Sebastian Major and Beth Lorimer investigate to separate myths and tall tales from true history. There are some funny episodes! There are also many episodes useful for the classroom in various subject areas. From answering questions like, “Who Built the Pyramids?” to “What is America’s Weirdest Secret Society?”, students and teachers alike will get a kick out of this podcast.

ELA Podcasts

The History of English Podcast

The History of English Podcast

The host for this podcast is a bit unexpected. Kevin Stroud is an attorney who also happens to have an extensive hobby in exploring linguistics related to the history of English. He explores English from various viewpoints in history and takes a broader look at language in general now and again. It’s a fascinating podcast!

Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing

Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing

Whether you (or your students) are interested in grammar, linguistics, or general English information or not, chances are pretty good you’ll love Mignon Fogarty’s Grammar Girl podcast. It’s fun, it’s interesting, and it’s filled with information without being stuffy or overbearing. You’ll be perfectly … “whelmed” (as opposed to under or over – from the episode titled “Why Aren’t We Whelmed?”)

Teaching Middle School ELA

Teaching Middle School ELA

Whereas the other English content podcasts are general to the language, this one is particular in its approach and includes pedagogy and middle school language arts as well as language information. Oh, and did we mention there’s even an episode called “Things ‘The Bachelor’ Can Teach You About Creating Engaging Lessons”? So there are some culturally relevant things as well.

Math Podcasts

Breaking Math Podcast

Breaking Math Podcast

With the goal of making “math accessible for everyone,” this podcast covers it all. There are episodes on group theory, physics, probability and statistics, calculus, vestigial math, and just about everything you can imagine! If you have 45 or so minutes to spare, you’re almost guaranteed to learn something new.

Math Ed Podcast

Math Ed Podcast

This podcast explores math research and relates the findings to math education, which is an excellent help to anyone in teaching mathematics. The episodes are inclusive of all levels of math education, so you’ll find information on preschool pedagogy up through the college level. This podcast started in 2012, and there are over 2,000 episodes, so whatever your interest in math education, there’s likely to be an episode for you!

Math is Figure-Out-Able with Pam Harris

Math is Figure-Out-Able with Pam Harris

Math teacher educator Pam Harris and her cohost Kim Montague answer the question: If not algorithms, then what?Join them for ~15 minutes every Tuesday as they cast their vision for mathematics education and give actionable items to help teachers teach math that is Figure-Out-Able.

Science Podcasts

 StarTalk Radio

StarTalk Radio

StartTalk’s host is unlikely to need any introduction. Famous astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson has been teaching us about the stars, planets, and the universe around us for quite a while. In this podcast, other prominent scientists join him to discuss everything from stargazing to cosmic volcanoes. From time to time, he and his guests even talk about things more local, as in things related to Earth.

Brains On! Science podcast for kids

Brains On! Science podcast for kids

Molly Bloom is the host for Brains On! She’s joined weekly by a kid co-host, and they explore all of life’s most burning questions. The episodes explore things like emotions, bees, color, health concerns and issues, and one of the most universally beloved topics of every child on the planet: poop.

Nature Podcast

Nature Podcast

This podcast explores the big questions in science today. Researchers and scientists appear on the show to share current information and talk about how it relates to current events and everyday life. This podcast is for students who are older as well as educators themselves.

Science Magazine Podcast

Science Magazine Podcast

Science Magazine is the world’s leading scientific research publication, and the episodes from the podcast cover many of the same types of fascinating finds. Host Sarah Crespi talks with scientists from around the globe about things like how many t-rex existed, arctic sea ice, and diversity in science circles. There are book reviews, news stories, and many interesting conversations.

 Tumble Science Podcast for Kids

Tumble Science Podcast for Kids

This is another excellent science podcast for kids! Lindsay Patterson (a science journalist) and Marshall Escamilla (teacher) join forces to host this one. They cover dinosaurs, the path to becoming an astronaut, scientific discoveries, scientists, lots of animals, and space. Most importantly… yes. They also talk about poop.

 Science Vs

Science Vs

In each episode, the hosts explore current news and issues to separate the truth from not-so-true. They discuss Yellowstone, meat grown in labs, data on police violence, heartbreak, transgender identities, and the occasional alien. If you want the scoop on either side of the topic, Science Vs is the show for you.


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