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What is a 1:1 Classroom, and why do I need it?
What is a One to One Classroom, and why do I need it?
One to one environments can be referred to in many ways - 1:1 classrooms, 1:1 computing, 1:1 technology, and more. Essentially, all these terms refer to an educational environment where each student has their own learning device, whether it be a tablet, laptop, Chromebook, or another similar technology.
In recent years, one-to-one schools and classrooms have exploded in popularity, accelerated by the need for more versatile teaching options that work effectively across remote learning, hybrid learning, and traditional in-class environments. These 1:1 classrooms help educators be more efficient with growing class sizes while implementing the newest and most effective technologies simultaneously.
To optimize the opportunities afforded by this new technology, educators must find and implement the best EdTech tools for 1:1 classrooms. A suitable blend of tools, apps, and websites can make it easier to share educational resources, build and implement lesson plans, or communicate with students.
Create your 1:1 Classroom in Symbaloo Webspaces
Symbaloo is your best friend when it comes to saving, sharing, and organizing resources. Create a Free Symbaloo Webspace now, and start organizing your 1:1 classroom effectively.
Create your FREE WebspaceThe advantages of 1:1 Classrooms
A 1:1 learning environment can offer many advantages compared to a traditional classroom setting, when the right 1:1 classroom models are applied. A suitable blend of tools, apps, and websites can make it easier to share educational resources, build and implement lesson plans, and communicate with students. In addition, with web-enabled devices, class resources are available from anywhere with an Internet connection, and student engagement is often improved through familiar technology.
Read below to learn more about the benefits of a 1:1 classroom.
Easily Sharing & Communication
When every student has their own device, teachers can easily reach them to communicate important information and share resources at any time. Symbaloo is just one of many tools that can be used to share content to all devices simultaneously. In any case, 1:1 technology empowers educators to connect with all students in just a few clicks.
Greater student Engagement
Since the current generation of students has broadly grown up with these types of devices, a 1:1 environment can feel very familiar and engaging. In many cases, the learning curve may even be steeper for teachers than for their pupils. While students are likely to welcome the environment, educators should ensure that the proper restrictions are in place to keep students engaged with learning and away from too many outside distractions that may also come with the territory.
More time for personal instruction for students in need
When online learning materials engage all your students, it leaves you more time for personal instruction for students in need. It gives them more opportunities to ask questions and understand the topic that they are working on.
Efficient grading and class management
When lesson plans and student work are integrated into an online environment, grading and feedback can be given almost instantly. Through this kind of instruction, teachers can save grading time and quickly identify areas of strength and weakness for each student.
Tools like Symbaloo Learning Paths can track metrics like time spent learning and progress made on a particular lesson. Built-in assessments can also help to recognize where students are struggling and provide extra help before they fall too far behind.
Read more on Symbaloo Learning Paths:
➡️ An Introduction to Symbaloo Learning Paths
➡️ Try Symbaloo Learning Paths Yourself!
How to manage your 1:1 classroom
There are many benefits to 1:1 technology; however, success is not guaranteed. Educators must be equipped with the right mix of tools, adequate training, and a clear idea of how to connect the technology to each lesson. In addition, it is crucial to recognize and prepare for some of the risks associated with one-to-one, including distractions, internet safety, and device protection.
To keep track of all the tools and resources necessary for a 1:1 classroom, educators should use an online hub that serves as a starting point for all students. Teachers often have multiple classes or subjects to teach, and a centralized web tool can make it much easier to keep track of and manage everything in one place.
Read more on implementing 1:1 Classrooms:
➡️ 5 Steps for implementing a One-to-One Classroom successfully
➡️ 44 Best One-to-One (1:1) Classroom Learning Tools
➡️ How to Create your Online Classroom in 4 Simple Steps
➡️ Learn to set up your Symbaloo Webspace in 5 Steps
How Symbaloo can help you with your 1:1 classroom needs
For over a decade, Symbaloo has been one of the best edtech tools available for schools, libraries, computer labs, and classrooms. It is the perfect homepage for 1:1 devices, providing one-click access to any website, article, video, web doc, and more. Educators can save, organize, and share all online resources in one place, publishing content to all student devices simultaneously.
With a free Symbaloo Webspace, you can claim your own URL (e.g., and ensure that class or school resources are safe, and available anywhere, on any device.

Start your journey to 1:1 classrooms now by creating a Symbaloo Webspace.
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